Springing back

Spring is springing—more or less—and it’s good to see a little longer-lasting sunlight again. I cherish winter, don’t get me wrong—a season devoted to coziness, comfort, internality, and restoration—but after a while the mixed snow-slush and the short grey days become a little bit of a drag. Though spring is only tentatively beginning, already there’s something fresh in the air, something green and bright. And personally, there’s nothing I’m more excited for this month than the formal start of baseball season. Go O’s! We’ll get ‘em this year!

It’s been said before, but I’ll say it again: spring is truly a time of renewal. All that energy we’ve stored up during those winter months is ready to be put to use. Now is the time to take stock of our habits and surroundings and not only figure out what we want to change, but go ahead and change it! So today, I’d like to offer a few tips on how to refresh your space—in small ways and large—that might help get your spring renewal off on the right foot.

1. Spring cleaning

The easiest, simplest way to give your space a boost? A good old-fashioned spring cleaning! Take some time to sort away the odds and ends that have wandered out of place, or give your rugs and floors a good vacuum. Washing windows adds sparkle. If you have machine-washable upholstery casings—one of the many options for your cushioned pieces that Woodside Home can secure for you—maybe run them through the cycle. A little bit of tidying and dusting can go leagues towards making your home sparkle anew.

2. A little shake-up

Another simple way to give your space some freshness is to do a little rearranging, or incorporate some small new pieces—move an end table, shift your gallery wall, add a new painting or throw cushion, little touches of color and spots of visual interest. Given that spring is all about nature’s resurgence, a new house plant or two could be a fantastic addition to your home.

3. New colors

And on the topic of new incorporations: why not reconsider your color schemes? A repaint can reset the entire feel of a room, and can be a wonderful way to make existing furniture, art, and draperies seem entirely new. If you’re looking for a color consult, by the way, send us an email! We’re great at putting together perfect palettes and paints, and we’d love to help you find your next favorite wall color.

4. Commit to a redesign

Are the little things not feeling like enough? Does your home just not feel like you? Well, maybe it’s time to step it up and consider getting a new design plan for your home. I know that can seem intimidating—more decisions to make, and more work to do—but here’s the secret: having a great designer on your side. Woodside Home is ready to make that process of renewal as seamless, and stress-free, as possible. Your home should be all you, tailored to your needs and tastes. Let’s make that happen—together.

With all the freshness in the air, I think I’ll spend some time outdoors today. I hope you get some good spring sunshine in your coming days.


American Craft Made Baltimore